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Website Design Assignment Help By Codersarts

Website Design Assignment Help
Website Design Assignment Help

What is Web Design?

Web design is the Process of designing of websites for user interface that displayed on the internet. It depends on website development rather than experience in programming and web development. It used to design web pages for desktop and mobile applications.

Now a days all business is running on internet so it is necessary to handle website by developer.

A web page depends on large number of design tools or widgets or elements which depends on your programming language. If you are good web designer than you design web pages as per user requirements which is easy to use . You can use elements which is necessary to design web page ignore extra item or elements. When you design web pages then remember that page is responsible for any mobile or laptop/Desktop .

Two of the most common methods for designing websites:

  • desktop and

  • mobile

Responsive design:

Content moves dynamically depending on screen size; in adaptive design, the website content is fixed in layout sizes that match common screen sizes.

Technologies which used to design webpages

JAVA : Basically Web applications are a part of the Java EE standard. A lot of people only use the Web (servlets) part with additional frameworks thrown in, most notably Spring but also Struts, Seam and others.

All you need is an IDE like IntelliJ, Eclipse or Netbeans, the JDK, the Java EE download and a servlet container like Tomcat (or a full-blown application server like Glassfish or JBoss).

Python : Various Python Web Frameworks available which used to designing web pages.

Python developers are familiar with a number of web frameworks that can be used to build websites. Django, Grok, WebPy, TurboGears, WebApp2, Pyramid, PyQT, Tkinter and Flask are some of the most widely used Python frameworks that can help you build a website from the scratch.

PHP : There are several benefits to using PHP on the front end of your site. PHP is open-source, meaning there is a lot of support and community discussion, and it is free to use. Figuring out how to create a PHP website is simple with so many resources available. It embedded with HTML and CSS to designing web pages.

Other technologies which used to designing web pages :

  • JScript

  • HTML

  • CSS,

  • etc.

Web Designing Phases

Here list of important phase which used to design the web pages :

Planning : Determination of information categorization and identification of known special handling requirements to transmit, store, or create information such as personally identifiable information; and Determination of any privacy requirements.

Analysis : Conduct the risk assessment and use the results to supplement the baseline security controls;Analyze security requirements; Perform functional and security testing; Prepare initial documents for system certification and accreditation;

Design : This is the third phase of web Designing. In this phase design web pages which is simple and easy to understand by the client.

Coding : In this phase developer write the code in different types languages like Java, Python, HTML , CSS , etc. as per client need.

Testing : This is second last phase in this tester test the code after pass through developer. When it is complete and has no error then it jump to the Maintenance for Deploy.

Maintenance: This is the last phase used to maintenance the software design code.

Web Designing Elements

There are different types of elements which

  • Color: It used to set different types of colors to the web pages like hexaDecimal, RGB, etc.

  • Content: This depends on the requirements it is small to large as per client need. So it is necessary to maintain content because it is the important part of every web pages.

  • Graphics : This used to give the attractive look to the web pages by using 2D and 3D graphics and other effects.

  • Fonts : Fonts is also important part of every web pages because webpages look like better using nice Fonts. So you need to learn about which fonts are good looking to design web pages

  • etc.

Steps to Learn Web Designing ?

Here some reason so you can learning web designing:

  • The understanding is essential to create a web page that is easy to use.

  • Usually web design courses are segmented into two parts, one focuses on the front finish of the website and offers a basic template whenever you see a website, and the other half covers the back end including other aspects of websites.

  • If you have a some knowledge about programming then you can design simple web pages if you need to jump next high level then need to exceed your knowledge.

  • When you learn about basic design then need to jump advanced label, it is important to move forward towards advanced knowledge because advanced knowledge is required for the creation of big websites. There are many Institute which provide designing services as a paid internship but here pur Codersarts team provide full course with live demo example so you can learn easily. So to start this join codersarts.

Why you choose Codersarts Experts to design attractive web pages ?

Here some reason so you can take our services

  • 24/7 hour services

  • Affordable price

  • Offers And Discount

  • Anytime And Anywhere

  • Plagiarism free code

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