First install ROS in ubuntu OS by following given official web address:
And after this follow given steps to run python node:
First create catkin_ws by using following command:
$mkdir catkin_ws
$cd catkin_ws/
And then after create directory src inside catkin_ws:
$mkdir src
$cd src/
Back to the catkin_ws and run catkin_make
$cd ..
And then create devel inside it
$source devel/setup.bash
$cd #(go to the main directory)
Check roscore is running or not if not then run by using "roscore" and open new another terminal
And follow all command step by step which is given bellow.
$cd catkin_ws/
$cd src
$catkin_create_pkg tutorial std_msgs rospy roscpp
$cd ..
$cd src
$cd tutorial/
$cd src
$nano #(new block window open paste code in it)
$ctrl+o #(for save)
$ctrl+x (fro exit)
$sudo chmod +x # chmod used for read and write mode
$cd -/catkin_ws/ # or use cd .., cd .., cd .. and goto the catkin_ws directory
$cd devel/
$source setup.bash
$cd .. #(back to catkin_ws directory)
$rosrun tutorial #(running on catkin_ws directory)
$cd src/tutorial/src/
$nano # paste code and save
$ctrl+x # for exit
$sudo chmod +x # cd .., cd .. until back to the catkin_ws and run
$cd devel
$source setup.bash
$cd .. #(back to catkin directory)
$rosrun tutorial
if you want to edit file then this query
$rosed tutorial
If you need any help related to ros then contact at here or comments in comments sections.