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Web programming, sample assignment

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

Be sure your page includes all of the following elements:

  1. The default file for your website must be named index.html. Without this file, visitors to your website will see a listing of the files you have in your public_html directory.

  2. Use External Stylesheet: Your page must be controlled by an external stylesheet! Note: You must add a link to your external stylesheet from your page so it can be downloaded.

  3. You an image as a background; please ensure that the image is not overpowering but pleasant to display the text and links etc.

  4. Add a title and heading to your web page, and make sure you can view it. Make up a clever title for your web page, and put it in the title element.

  5. A link to the Computer Science Department's main home page, which is

  6. A head shot (Photo of you). Followed by your name center the heading with your name and image if appropriate to make it look clean.

  7. Create a section that will have all links that will take me to Assignments and Projects using a zebra-striped table no borders, every other row is a different color. Have assignment 01 link point to itself and the other links are set to dummy links until you have completed that assignment and ready to submit.

  8. A list of hobbies or interest displayed as an HTML unordered list and second list (e.g., your top-ten favorite Albums).

  9. Link at least two of your hobbies or interests to websites related to those interests (biography).

  10. Create a nested list that must include the following

    1. Education (heading required): bulleted list of schools.

    2. Job history (heading required): numbered list of jobs.

  11. You should include a favorite quote (e.g., a poem or line from a movie) using a DIV element.

  12. There should be at least 3 external links to other websites of interest.

You may add other elements according to taste, such as an image of yourself and links to

personal pages where you can feel free to put whatever you want. Also, keep in mind that

future assignments will involve more advanced HTML features, so for now keep it simple.

Use CSS to change the font used throughout the page to sans-serif. To do this you can set

the font for the body element, which will be inherited by all elements contained within the

body (which is everything displayed on the webpage). Alternatively, you can create a style

rule with the special universal selector which is represented by the asterisk. The universal

selector matches any element, however it is not very efficient and will slow rendering of your

page down a bit.

For example, the following rule will turn everything on the webpage to red:

* {

color: red;


Setup your links to use the : hover pseudo-class (use a: hover so that only the links are

affected). How the link changes when the mouse moves on top of it is up to you, but if you are short on ideas, just have the link change colors.

Add <span> tags and setup your style sheet so that every time the word Georgia State

Computer Science and 2 more words of your choice appears, it is in red and is in bold.


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