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Power BI Data Visualization (Part II)

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

This is the Second blog of power BI data visualization series where we explore the different charts. In the previous blog we discussed Stacked bar chart, Line chart, Area chart, Ribbon chart, Funnel chart, donut chart, pie chart and treemap. In this blog we will see about the map, Filled map, key influencer, gauge, decomposition tree etc. Let's start.

Create a Map Sales by State and Segment

The map charts are used to show insight about quantity or something related to numbers that are connected to a certain location. We will plot the map of the State by Sales and Segment. To plot the map we need to add the map in the power BI report by clicking on the map icon under the "Visualizations". Then drag the State and sale as in the Location and Size. drag the Segment as a legend.

Location - States

Legend - Segment

Size - Sales

Formatting map -

  • Legend - if it is turned on it shows the legend in the chart. it is used to identify data in visualization by its color, size and other features. you can set the font color, size of legend.

  • Data color - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Category label - You can turn On/Off the data labels. It enables the values for each category on the chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Bubbles - You can change the size of Bubble from here

  • Map style - You can change the theme of map from here

Bubble - we can change the size of bubble in the chart as shown in the given screenshot.

Map style - We can change the map theme from here as shown in the given screenshot. there are various theme are available dark, light, grayscale, road and aerial.

Create Filledmap Sales by State and Segment

Filled Map is used to visualize the different geographic territories that can be represented on the map with colored areas based on the measure and dimension. We will plot the filled map for that we need to add the filled map in the power BI report by clicking on the filled map icon under the "Visualizations". Then drag the state and Segment as in the location and legend, and Drag sales as tooltip.

Location - State

Legend - Segment

Tooltip - Sales

Formatting map -

  • Legend - if it is turned on it shows the legend in the chart. it is used to identify data in visualization by its color, size and other features. you can set the font color, size of legend.

  • Data color - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Map style - You can change the theme of map from here

Map style - In this chart also you can change the theme as in the previous chart.

Create a Gauge Chart of Profit and Sales

Gauge chart is used to indicate the information or reading on a dial with the help of a needle like speedometer. We will create a gauge chart for that we need to add the gauge chart in the power BI report by clicking on the gauge chart icon under the "Visualizations". Then drag the sales as in the Value.

Values - Sales

Formatting the Gauge chart-

First click on the chart then click on the format for formating the chart

  • Gauge axis - You can set the minimum, maximum and target value of gauge chart

  • Data color - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • callout value - you can change the font size, familly and color.

You can set the target value in the gauge chart. Goto Gauge axis under the format and set the target value. Here we set the target value is 3M as shown in the screenshot.

Another way to set the target value. First create a dummy target field, then select it as a target value.

Create a dummy target field

Our dataset does not have any target filled. So We created a dummy target field as shown in the given screenshot. To create dummy target filled just click on New measure after that write a query "Target Sales = SUM(Orders[Sales])*1.5". Here We multiplied by 1.5 because we want to set the target of sales is 1.5 times of Original Sale Value.

Now to set the target value drag the target sales as in target value.

We can also make Gauge chart for profit like the previous chart and set the target value as shown in the below screenshot.

Now we just created pie of Sales and region. we can see in the following GIF, change the Gauge chart value according to select the region.


Card visualization is used to display the data in summarized form. It can be total sales, profit etc. This type of visualization displays data in a single form or in a group form. In power BI there are two types of card

Create Card in power BI

Power BI Card is used to display the single value like total sales, counts, discount, profit in report page and dashboard. To plot the card we need to add the card in power BI report by clicking on the card icon under the “Visualization”. Then drag the field you want to display as a value.

fields - Sales/profit/discount

Formatting card -

Click on the chart, then Goto the format for formatting the card

  • Data label - You can turn On/Off the data labels. Its enable the values for each category on chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels

  • background - You can set the background color of the chart.

Single number card

Create MultiRow card

We have seen in previous visualization, how to plot the card. Now we will see about Multi-row cards. Multi-row card is used to display the information in a group form. To plot the Multi-row card we need to add the multi-row card in power BI report by clicking on the multi-row card icon under the “Visualization”. Then drag the field you want to display as a value.

fields - subcategory, sales, profit, discount

Multi-row card

Formatting Mutli-row card -

  • General - you can manage the dimension of the card

  • card title - you can set the card title, font color, size of title.

  • data label -You can set the font color and font size of data.

  • Category - You can hide the column name of card.

Formatting of multi row card

Now here we create a pie chart with a multi-row card. If we select a particular region then changes all the values according to the selected region.

If you need implementation for any of the topics mentioned above or assignment help on any of its variants, feel free to contact us.


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