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Instagram Data analysis Assignment | Sample Assignment

Updated: May 10, 2022


The dataset, sourced from Kaggle, is a compilation of details about Instagram posts, for posts posted between 04/05/2012, 2:36 PM (UTC) and 04/27/2020, 3:34 PM (UTC), by a set of over 1.04 billion Instagram users. The project aims to glean insights about factors that impact engagement of posts on Instagram. T

he dataset captures details such as number of comments received for a post, number of likes received for a post, timestamp for each post, number of followers each user has, number of Instagram handles each user follows, gender of each Instagram user, number of total posts each user has posted, and more.


file name : lg_all.csv

file Format : csv

File Size : 917.8MB

The project aims to understand the dataset and explore the following:

1. Which Instagram ID has the highest number of followers?

2. Which Instagram ID has received the highest number of comments?

3. Which Instagram ID has the highest number of likes overall?

4. Which Instagram ID has posted the greatest number of posts?

5. Relationship between gender and number of followers. Do males have a greater number of

followers on an average?

6. Do males get a greater number of likes for their posts on an average?

7. Do females get a greater number of comments on an average? That is, are females better at

conversations in Instagram interactions?

8. Which topic category is the most popular?

9. Do Instagrammers with a greater number of posts also have more followers?

10. Which format do Instagrammers “like” the most? GraphImage, GraphSidecar or GraphVideo?

11. Is there an hour of the day when Instagram posts receive high engagement?

12. Is there an hour of the day when Instagram posts receive high engagement?

Analysis of the Instagram dataset can help a brand looking to build Instagram presence identify the best time of the day to post on Instagram, the format that is a hit in Instagram posts, the type of posts that could help increase engagement, and more. Apart from this, the analysis would also help establish a correlation between gender and Instagram presence.

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