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HTML Basic Problem And Their Solutions

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

The following points and their solutions by which you can easily handle HTML Problem.

How to handle HTML Stuff, In this blog we covers all details regarding to the most of HTML element and attribute problem handling.
HTML Assignment Help: HTML Problem Handling

Basic Structure

The most basic application of HTML is document structure. If you're new to HTML you should start with this.

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
........add code here....

Every HTML document should start with a special line of code that declares its document type. The document type declaration, also known as the doctype for short

Before start HTML it necessary to verify that structure is correct or not.

For example, all of the doctype declarations below are valid and achieve the same outcome:

<!doctype html>
<!DocType Html>
<!DOctYPe hTmL>

When HTML standards were first becoming popular, the web was full of pages that were not compliant with the standards. To help browsers render those pages correctly, browsers used the doctype declaration to distinguish between non-compliant and compliant pages. Non-compliant pages were rendered in what’s called the quirks mode, and compliant pages were rendered in what’s called the standards mode.

Immediately following the doctype declaration is the <html> tag. The html element’s job is to be the container of all other elements within the HTML document and thus it is known as the root element.

The html element contains both parts of the document: the part visible to the user and the metadata about the document.


Hyperlink is also main reason of problem because it can be used in many different ways by developer.

A hyperlink is defined as “an icon, graphic, or word in a file that, when clicked on with the mouse, automatically opens another file for viewing.”

The anchor element is used to create hyperlinks between a source anchor and a destination anchor. The source is the text, image, or button that links to another resource and the destination is the resource that the source anchor links to.

Hyperlinks are one of the fundamental technologies that make the web the information superhighway, and understanding how to use anchor elements is one of the first things you need to master when learning HTML.

Current structure to define hyperlink:

<a href="">HTML Images</a>

Images & multimedia:

Image is added in most of project so it necessary to add current path of image, see below link to find correct path:

<img src="nav.jpg" alt="please add image or correct path">

Where "alt" it work when image not exist at given path or give wrong path.

<img src="nav.jpg" alt="hello" style="width:500px;height:600px;">

Add video:

Add below given link to solve issue of video link problem:

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

controls like "autoplay" etc

Problem to add link for styling or scripting

Follow given below link to solve problem of styling and scripting in HTML. There are three types of styling used in CSS which we have discuss in below:

Internal CSS styling code:

body {background-color: powderblue;}
h1   {color: blue;}
p    {color: red;}

External CSS styling code

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

Inline CSS styling code

<h1 style="color:blue;">This is a Blue Heading</h1>

Problem of Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML or semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. For example, a <p> tag indicates that the enclosed text is a paragraph. This is both semantic and presentational because people know what paragraphs are and browsers know how to display them.

On the flip side of this equation, tags like <b> and <i> are not semantic, because they define only how the text should look (bold or italic) and do not provide any additional meaning to the markup.

Why You Should Care About Semantics

The benefit of writing semantic HTML stems from what should be the driving goal of any web page — the desire to communicate. By adding semantic tags to your document, you provide additional information about that document, which aids in communication. Specifically, semantic tags make it clear to the browser what the meaning of a page and its content is. That clarity is also communicated with search engines, ensuring that the right pages are delivered for the right queries.

Semantic HTML tags provide information about the contents of those tags that goes beyond just how they look on a page. Text that is enclosed in the <code> tag is immediately recognized by the browser as some type of coding language. Instead of trying to render that code, the browser understands that you are using that text as an example of the code for the purposes of an article or online tutorial of some kind.

Use Semantic Tags Correctly

When you want to use semantic tags to convey meaning rather than for presentation purposes, you need to be careful that you don't use them incorrectly simply for their common display properties. Some of the most commonly misused semantic tags include:

blockquote - Some people use the <blockquote> tag for indenting text that is not a quotation. This is because blockquotes are indented by default. If you simply want to benefits of indentation, but the text is not a blockquote, use CSS margins instead.

p - Some web editors use <p>&nbsp;</p> (a non-breaking space contained in a paragraph) to add extra space between page elements, rather than defining actual paragraphs for the text of that page. As with the previously mentioned indenting example, you should use the margin or padding style property to add space.​

ul - Like blockquote, enclosing text inside a <ul> tag indents that text in most browsers. This is both semantically incorrect and invalid HTML, as only <li> tags are valid within a <ul> tag. Again, use the margin or padding style to indent text.

h1–h6 - The heading tags can be used to make fonts bigger and bolder, but if the text is not a heading, it should not be inside a heading tag. Use the font-weight and font-size CSS properties instead if you want to change the size or weight of specific text on your page.

Problem with Embedded HTML

The HTML <embed> element embeds external content at the specified point in the document. This content is provided by an external application or other source of interactive content such as a browser plug-in.

Many web browsers have supported the <embed> tag for a long time. However, the <embed> tag has not been a part of the HTML 4 specification. The <embed> tag is new in HTML5, and will validate in an HTML5 page. However, if you use it in an HTML 4 page, the page will not validate.


<embed src="helloworld.swf">

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