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Flask Project Help | Creating News Web App Using Flask NewsAPI

Flask Web App

In this post, we have to create a web application using flask which takes news headlines, title, and description from NewsAPI.

Here Some Basic steps to do this

Open ""

Then click on top of the menu item "documentation" and then install the "newsapi".

Installing Newsapi

Now new page is open, after this click on "python", which is on left sidebar:

Click on python and install news API

pip install newsapi-python

Now login( to find API key

  • Login news api site and get api

Fill details and get api like this


Now create python project

NewsApiFlaskApp(project name)

Now in project directory create new directory “templates” and “” file

File Structure:


from flask import Flask from newsapi import NewsApiClient app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index():     newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key="937985d39a6144c382769fda00067b7d")     topheadlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(sources = )


Now adding source:

See in the red circle:

Now new updated code after adding source


from flask import Flask from newsapi import NewsApiClient app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index():     newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key="937985d39a6144c382769fda00067b7d")     topheadlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(sources = "bbc-news")     article = topheadlines['article']     desc = []     news = []     img = []     for i in range(len(article)):         myarticles = article[i]         news.append(myarticles['title'])


Where title is take from: From

See it in red rectangle

After this Go to the templates folder and create two file "index.html" and "bcc.html"

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