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Earthquake Data Analysis and Visualization Project with Plotly and Shiny

Project Overview

In this project, we dive into earthquake data analysis and visualization using Python, leveraging the power of Plotly for interactive visualizations and Shiny for developing a dynamic web application. The project involves four main components: data cleaning, data analysis, data visualization, and the development of a Shiny web application.

Project Requirements:

Notebook 1: Data Cleaning (quakes-cleaning.ipynb)

  • Read the raw earthquake data into a pandas dataframe.

  • Perform necessary cleanups, ensuring appropriate data types for each column.

  • Remove unwanted data and handle missing values.

  • Save the cleaned data as quakes-cleaned.csv.

Notebook 2: Data Analysis (quakes-analysis.ipynb)

  • Read the cleaned data from quakes-cleaned.csv into a pandas dataframe.

  • Use pandas to identify five interesting insights from the data.

  • Include Markdown to describe each insight and the corresponding code.

Notebook 3: Data Visualization (quakes-visualization.ipynb)

  • Read the analyzed data from quakes-analysis.ipynb into a pandas dataframe.

  • Use Plotly to create five individual plots to visualize the identified insights.

  • Annotate each visualization in the notebook with Markdown.

Notebook 4: Shiny Web Application (shiny-webapp.ipynb)

  • Install Shiny for Python on your computer.

  • Develop an interactive web application using Shiny, incorporating the Plotly visualizations.

  • Sign up for a free account on Shiny’s cloud platform.

  • Deploy your completed Shiny web app to the cloud.

Solution Approach:

Dataset Used: The project utilized earthquake data stored in a CSV file named quakes.csv. This dataset contains information about various earthquakes, including their location, magnitude, depth, and other relevant details.

Basic Data Information: The initial step involved reading the raw data into a pandas DataFrame. After loading the dataset, the following information was gathered:

  • The dataset consists of several columns representing different attributes of earthquakes such as time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude, and more.

  • Data types were inspected and adjusted accordingly to ensure appropriate representations. This included converting timestamps to datetime objects and categorizing categorical variables.

  • Missing values were identified and handled using appropriate techniques such as mean imputation for numerical columns and mode imputation for categorical columns.

Data Processing Techniques: Data processing techniques were applied to clean and prepare the dataset for further analysis:

  • Unwanted columns, such as 'id', were removed from the DataFrame as they did not provide significant information for analysis.

  • Missing values were imputed using appropriate strategies to ensure data completeness.

  • Data types were adjusted to facilitate analysis and visualization, ensuring consistency and accuracy in representation.

Data Visualization: Data visualization played a crucial role in understanding the dataset and extracting insights:

  • Various plots and charts were created using libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly to visualize different aspects of the earthquake data.

  • Insights such as the distribution of earthquake depths, frequency of earthquakes by location, and distribution of earthquake types were visualized to gain a comprehensive understanding of the dataset.

  • Specific visualizations included interactive maps showcasing earthquake locations and magnitudes, as well as histograms depicting the distribution of seismic activity over time.



 Our team offers comprehensive support aligned with the outlined project requirements. From data cleaning and analysis to interactive visualization and Shiny web application development, we guide you through each stage of the project.

Benefit from our hands-on assistance in implementing data processing techniques, creating insightful visualizations with Plotly, and developing dynamic web applications with Shiny. With expertise in Python, Pandas, Plotly, and Shiny, we ensure that your project meets the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Codersarts also provides additional services such as project evaluation, documentation review, and problem-solving sessions to enhance the overall success of your project. Elevate your earthquake data analysis and visualization project with Codersarts today!

If you require any assistance with the project discussed in this blog, or if you find yourself in need of similar support for other projects, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team can be contacted at any time via email at

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