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Creating A Multiple-Screen Mobile Application | Android Project Assignment Help


As a competent mobile application developer, your understanding of mobile application structure and design will help you to develop applications to meet customer requirements. The following project to develop a student scheduler/student progress tracking application will help you to apply these skills in a familiar, real-world scenario. This task will allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply the skills learned in the course.

You will develop a multiple-screen mobile application for WGU students to track their terms, courses associated with each term, and assessment(s) associated with each course. The application will allow students to enter, edit, and delete terms, courses, and assessment data. It should provide a summary and detailed views of courses for each term and provide alerts for upcoming performance and objective assessments. This application will use an SQLite database.


Each of the following needs to be input into the application:

terms, including the following:

  • the term title (e.g., Term 1, Term 2)

  • the start date

  • the end date

courses, including the following:

  • the course title

  • the start date

  • the anticipated end date

  • the status (e.g., in progress, completed, dropped, plan to take)

  • the course mentor name(s), phone number(s), and email address(es)

objective and performance assessments associated with each course

the ability to add optional notes for each course

the ability to set alerts or notifications for the start and end date of each course

the ability to set alerts for goal dates for each objective and performance assessment


Each of the following needs to be displayed by the application on a separate screen:

  • the navigation panel

  • a list of terms

A detailed view of each term, including the following:

  • the title (e.g., Term 1, Term 2)

  • the start date

  • the end date

a list of courses for each term

a detailed view of each course, including the following:

  • the course title

  • the start date

  • the anticipated end date

  • assessments

a list of performance and objective assessments for a selected course

a detailed view of each objective and performance assessment, including the following:

  • the due date for a selected course

  • notes for the selected course

  • sharing features (e.g., email, SMS)


Note: Submit your performance assessment by including all Android project files, APK, and signed apk files in one file.

Note: For your convenience, an optional checklist is attached to help guide you through this performance assessment.

A. Create an Android (version 4.0 or higher) mobile application with the following functional requirements:

1. Include the following information for each term:

  • the term title (e.g., Term 1, Term 2)

  • the start date

  • the end date

2. Include features that allow the user to add as many terms as needed.

3. Implement validation so that a term cannot be deleted if courses are assigned to it.

4. Include features that allow the user to do the following for each term:

a. add as many courses as needed

b. display a list of courses associated with each term

c. display a detailed view of each term, which includes the following information:

  • the term title (e.g., Term 1, Term 2)

  • the start date

  • the end date

5. Include the following details for each course:

  • the course title

  • the start date

  • the anticipated end date

  • the status (e.g., in progress, completed, dropped, plan to take)

  • the course mentor name(s), phone number(s), and e-mail address(es)

6. Include features that allow the user to do the following for each course:

a. add as many assessments as needed

b. add optional notes

c. enter, edit, and delete course information

d. display optional notes

e. display a detailed view of the course, including the due date

f. set alerts for the start and end date

g. Share notes via a sharing feature (e.g., e-mail, SMS)

7. Include features that allow the user to do the following for each assessment:

a. add performance and/or objective assessments for each course, including the titles and due dates of the assessments

b. enter, edit, and delete assessment information

c. set alerts for goal dates

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