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Python Lists

It is a collection of data type used to store values.

In python different types of collection data types which is given below:

  • List

  • Tuple

  • Set

  • Dictionary


Python lists are written within square brackets.


Python lists are declared a simple way –

>>> li = [ ]

Adding elements to the list

If anyone wants to add the element to the list then use append().

>>> li.append(5)

Accessing Element From the list

You can easily access elements from list using index as per given example.

>>> li[2]

Where 5 is the index value, it starts from 0.


Negative indexing means beginning from the end, -1 refers to the last item, -2 refers to the second-last item, etc.

Selecting element using range index

>>> li = [1,2,3,4,5]

>>> li[2:5]

Selecting element using negative range index

>>> li[-2:-4]

Update list value

>>> li[1] = 5

It updates value 5 at 1 index.

Length of list

Length of list can be found using len() function

>>> len(li)

Removing item from lists

We can remove the item from list using remove() method as-

It removes the specified item from the list

>>> li.remove[2]

it removes 2 value-form lists.

Using del method

It deletes element as per index value.

>>> del li      #it delete complete list

>>> del li[2]   #delete second index elements

Using clear() method

It used to empty the list.

Copy the list

We can copy the list using a copy() method and save it into another variable.

Join lists

List can be join using plus(+) symbol.

Creating list using list() constructor

You can create list using list constructor by using elements inside the double rounded brackets.

>>> List = list((“welcome”, “to”, “the”, “codersarts”))

Thanks for reading this tutorial, in next we will learn all about the "python tuples"

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