• All assignments must be submitted through git. Please look at the
Piazza guide on submitting assignments.
• Please follow instructions properly, include naming conventions, and
carefully read through the input/output formats. Please review the Piazza
guide on the checking script. Run the checking script to make sure your files
are named correctly. You may get partial credit (as described in the Grading
section below) if the checking script fails in certain ways.
• Clearly acknowledge sources in a README file, and indicate if you
discussed the problems with other students or groups. Please submit a
README file even if you didn’t use any sources. In all cases, the course
policy on collaboration applies, and you should refrain from getting direct
answers from anybody or any source. If in doubt, please ask the Instructor or
the TAs.
Problem description
Main objective: Determine whether any expression with multiple kinds of
brackets, braces and parentheses is balanced using a reference-based stack.
You must implement the stack directly yourselves. Using a stack library, or
JCF stacks, or a list ADT will earn no credit.
Types of brackets: There are four “parenthesis/bracket” pairs:
• ( and )
• [ and ]
• { and }
• < and >
A line may contain other characters (including spaces) besides these 8
characters, but those characters are ignored. An expression is balanced if all
the “open parentheses” are closed by a matching “close parentheses”, and
nested parenthesis match, so that (for example) you can have “]” closing “{“,
or a stray extra “)“ when there isn’t an open “(“.
For example, the following lines are all not valid (N):
alpha{ beta<gamma}delta>
The ( quick [ brown ( fox ( jumped ) over ) the ] lazy ) dog )
< { }
> html <
And the following lines are all valid (Y):
alpha{ beta<gamma>delta}
The ( quick [ brown ( fox ( jumped ) over ) the ] lazy ) dog
< html >
( [ < { } > ] ) < < ( ) > >
You will not get any credit if you do not implement your solution to HW3
using a reference-based stack. Furthermore, you have to write your own
stack from scratch. You cannot use any built-in libraries for stacks or linked
lists, nor can you use an ADT for lists or an array-based stack.
Format: You should provide a Makefile. Running make should create
“Balanced.jar”. Your program should take two command line arguments, an
input file and an output file.
Input The input file consists of a series of lines as described above, each
(including the last line) ending with an end-of-line.
Output: On running (say) :
java -jar Balanced.jar my-input.txt my-output.txt
the file my-input.txt is read in and the file my-output.txt should
be output. The i’th line of the output file my-output.txt corresponds
to the i’th line in the input file my-input.txt. The i’th line of the output
file should contain just :a single character, as follows:
• If the i’th line is not valid, then the i’th line should just be “N” (without the
• If the i’th line is valid, then the he i’th line should just be “Y” (without the quotes).
Examples: Piazza has a zip file for HW3 called HW3files.zip. The
files test-input.txt and test-output.txt (which should help
you see if your program is correct) are for the checker. Two additional files,
more-input.txt and more-output.txt that are in the zip file will also help you test your program.
You code should terminate within 3 minutes for all runs. If it doesn’t, we will not
give you credit. As usual, your submission must past the checker to get full
credit; the spec file, HW3-spec.txt, is in the same zip file, HW3files.zip,
that was mentioned above. To receive credit ,you must also submit your git
commit id using the Google Form for HW3.
(10 points) Full solution as described above.
You will lose one point for each error that you have when we test your program on test-input.txt and on more-input.txt
You will receive 0 points if the checker script fails because you submitted the wrong files.