Feb 17, 2020

Flask Homework Help | Webform Using Flask

In this blog, we will learn how to creating web form using flask with Jinja 2, before start to creating the flask web form first need to install it in our system.

Form structure:

Here we using pip command to install the flask:

> pip install flask

In this blog, we have using WTF web form library to creating the form, so that need to install the wtf- form

> pip install Flask-WTF

We can do it with proper way in which need to create some files like, __init__.py, routes.py, form.py, and configure.py

Using a virtual environment :

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\mkdir myform

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\cd myform

Now creating the virtual environment

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\cd myform\python3 -m venv venv

you can create a virtual environment with the following command:

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\cd myform\virtualenv venv

Now you can go to the venv directory and inside script, you can activate the virtual environment(C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\myform\venv\Scripts)


Press Enter now your virtual environment activated, see below

Virtual environment activate

(venv) C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\myform\venv\Scripts>

After this install the flask:

(venv) C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\myform\venv\Scripts>pip install flask

Now creating a package which name is "app", it uses to execute your project

Now go to the app directory and here u create two python files:

__init__.py and routes.py




from flask import Flask

#from config import Config

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'you-will-never-guess'

from app import routes




from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, url_for

from app import app

from app.forms import LoanForm

@app.route('/index', methods=['get', 'post'])

def index():

form = LoanForm()

#return render_template('index.html', title='Loan', form=form)

if form.validate_on_submit():

name = form.name.data

gender = form.gender.data

married = form.married.data

dependents = form.dependents.data

education = form.education.data

selfemployee = form.selfemployee.data

applicantincome = form.applicantincome.data

coapplicantincome = form.coapplicantincome.data

loanamount = form.loanamount.data

loanamountterm = form.loanamountterm.data

credithistory = form.credithistory.data

propertyarea = form.propertyarea.data






print("\nData Received")

flash("Message Received", "success")

return redirect(url_for('index'))

return render_template("index.html", form = form)




from flask_wtf import FlaskForm

from wtforms import StringField, IntegerField, BooleanField, SubmitField

from wtforms.validators import DataRequired

class LoanForm(FlaskForm):

name = StringField('name', validators=[DataRequired()])

gender = StringField('gender', validators=[DataRequired()])

married = StringField('married')

dependents = IntegerField('dependents')

education = StringField('education')

selfemployee = StringField('selfemployee')

applicantincome = IntegerField('applicantincome')

coapplicantincome = StringField('coapplicantincome')

loanamount = IntegerField('loanamount')

loanamountterm = IntegerField('loanamountterm')

credithistory = StringField('credithistory')

propertyarea = StringField('propertyarea')

submit = SubmitField('Submit')


After this create another python file “myform.py” where app folder exitst.

It used to store application instance with single line code



from app import app


Now go to the Script dir and run below command:

(venv) C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\site1\venv\Scripts> set FLASK_APP=myform.py

this is used to run the app directly using<flask run> command

After this create another python file “configue.py” where app folder exitst.

It used to store application instance with single line code



import os

class Config(object):

SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY') or 'you-will-never-guess'


Creating another folder "templates" in which all the HTML file is creating for web form design

Structure fo files:

site1=myform(change name)



{% block content %}


<form action="" method="post" novalidate >

{{ form.hidden_tag() }}


{{ form.name.label }}<br>

{{ form.name(size=32) }}



{{ form.gender.label }}<br>

{{ form.gender(size=32) }}



{{ form.married.label }}<br>

{{ form.married(size=32) }}



{{ form.dependents.label }}<br>

{{ form.dependents(size=32)}}



{{ form.education.label }}<br>

{{ form.education(size=32) }}



{{ form.selfemployee.label }}<br>

{{ form.selfemployee(size=32)}}



{{ form.applicantincome.label }}<br>

{{ form.applicantincome(size=32) }}



{{ form.coapplicantincome.label }}<br>

{{ form.coapplicantincome(size=32)}}



{{ form.loanamount.label }}<br>

{{ form.loanamount(size=32) }}



{{ form.loanamountterm.label }}<br>

{{ form.loanamountterm(size=32)}}



{{ form.credithistory.label }}<br>

{{ form.credithistory(size=32)}}



{{ form.propertyarea.label }}<br>

{{ form.propertyarea(size=32)}}


<p>{{ form.submit() }}</p>


{% endblock %}


Run using cmd with the path where all files exist:

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\myform\venv\Scripts\app> flask run

Without using a virtual environment:

Here no need to creating any virtual environment only need to create one folder in which you need to install flask at any location in our system

Need to create two-three files forms.py, routes.py and index.py(inside templates):

File structure:



from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, url_for

from flask import Flask

import forms

#from app import app

#from forms import LoanForm

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'you-will-never-guess'

@app.route('/index', methods=['get', 'post'])

def index():

form = forms.LoanForm()

#return render_template('index.html', title='Loan', form=form)

if form.validate_on_submit():

name = form.name.data

gender = form.gender.data

married = form.married.data

dependents = form.dependents.data

education = form.education.data

selfemployee = form.selfemployee.data

applicantincome = form.applicantincome.data

coapplicantincome = form.coapplicantincome.data

loanamount = form.loanamount.data

loanamountterm = form.loanamountterm.data

credithistory = form.credithistory.data

propertyarea = form.propertyarea.data






print("\nData Received")

return redirect(url_for('index'))

return render_template("index.html", form = form)

if __name__ == '__main__':





from flask_wtf import FlaskForm

from wtforms import StringField, IntegerField, BooleanField, SubmitField, FloatField

from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, InputRequired

class LoanForm(FlaskForm):

name = StringField('name', validators=[DataRequired()])

gender = StringField('gender', validators=[DataRequired()])

married = StringField('married')

dependents = IntegerField('dependents')

education = StringField('education')

selfemployee = StringField('selfemployee')

applicantincome = FloatField('applicantincome', validators=[InputRequired()])

coapplicantincome = FloatField('coapplicantincome', validators=[InputRequired()])

loanamount = FloatField('loanamount', validators=[InputRequired()])

loanamountterm = FloatField('loanamountterm', validators=[InputRequired()])

credithistory = StringField('credithistory')

propertyarea = StringField('propertyarea')

submit = SubmitField('Submit')




Write above index.py code


Open cmd and run using a given path where these files are exist

C:\Users\Admin\FlaskProjects\app\> python routes.py

Serving Flask app "site1.py"

* Environment: production

WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.

Use a production WSGI server instead.

* Debug mode: off

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

copy and paste this URL into the web browser and enter using given route.